Poverty in Spirit

How desperately I want to show up to the world as kind and mature. How often I don’t show up as I would like to imagine myself.
Getting of my back is about being honest about who and what I am right now. Recognizing that I am impatient, critical and judgmental is just as important as recognizing I am caring, thoughtful, warm and approachable. How can I be all of this at the same time? Who and what I am right now is always subject to change, if I am growing.

As humans, our spirit is always in need of refreshment. When I experience that part of myself that I am uncomfortable about, that is the time to press the reset spiritual button and renew my mind.

Whatever spiritual practices, I engage always feeds my poverty stricken spirit. Reading Gods Word, spiritual books, journaling, contemplative practices and sometimes just talking with a friend that listens past the complaints and brings me to an awareness of myself.

Either way, I must be willing to RECEIVE rather than do. We are human beings not human doings. Beings Receive.

2 thoughts on “Poverty in Spirit”

  1. I absolutely agree! The hardest thing for those of us that are used to being of service to others is pausing to receive. Sitting in that space often forces us to acknowledge our human frailty. Who wants to think about that, right? If we are to grow in authenticity, then being must include the truth of each moment and circumstance. Who we are in that present must be reflective of the acknowledgement of grace. In fact, accepting the kindness and love of others is just as important as the expression towards others. Thanks so much for this topic.

  2. I often wrestle with applying 1 or 5 or 10 adjectives to describe who I am. Your insight has shed much light on this. Who we are is constantly evolving. We are transformed again and again by each experience and interaction. Yes, yes this is a sure indicator that we are growing. Faith is always our guiding star. Thank you for sharing. You words offer understanding and comfort.

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